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Investments: Home

An introductory course in the analysis of investments and portfolio management.


Investment course guide contains a variety of resources to support your studies. You can search the library catalog to find books and individual journals, e-resources including databases and webpages, it will help you to find more in-depth articles and information.

Useful Info

LUMS Library, databases and eBooks can be accessed off campus. Click Below to Get Off-Campus Access

Fresh Arrivals

New books added in library collection for patrons.

Plagiarism Detection Service

The library facilitates LUMS faculty's access to online plagiarism detection and management software i-e Turnitin. Library also provides similarity reports and certificates according to HEC rules for final thesis and projects.For similarity Index reports and certificates contact: a.m. to 8.00 p.m.)

For plagiarism certificate,  email your document to the following address: a.m. to 5.00 p.m.)



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Waqar Aslam
Gad & Birgit Rausing Library, Lahore University of Management Sciences DHA Lahore Cantt.
+92 42 3560 8260

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