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Applied Corporate Finance: Home

FINN 400


Applied Corporate Finance is a case‐based course in intermediate level finance. It provides insights into the role of the financial manager, whose primary responsibility consists of acquiring funds needed by the firm and directing these funds into projects that will maximize the value of the firm for its shareholders.

Library Services

Gad and Birgit Rausing Library is a multi-disciplinary library serving the faculty, students, researchers, and staff of the university. It is providing quality innovative services to its' patrons. 

Academic Calendar

Fresh Arrivals

New books added in library collection for patrons.

Off Campus Access

LUMS Library provides virtual access to its resources, i.e. databases, eBooks and journals etc. Click Below to Get Off-Campus Access

Plagiarism Detection Service

The library facilitates LUMS faculty access to online plagiarism detection software i.e., Turnitin. The library also provides similarity reports and certificates according to HEC rules for final thesis and projects. For similarity Index reports contact:
Weekdays (9.00 am to 8.00 pm)
Saturday & Sunday (11:30 am to 08:00 pm)

For Plagiarism Certificates:


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Waqar Aslam
Gad & Birgit Rausing Library, Lahore University of Management Sciences DHA Lahore Cantt.
+92 42 3560 8260