CAS General Subject Vocabulary Helper This free resource can be used look up or confirm publication titles and abbreviations, as well as CODEN, ISBN, or ISSN codes. The CASSI database contains a listing of publications indexed by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) since 1907.
Periodic table of the elements. Los Alamos's mission is to solve national security challenges through scientific excellence.
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology
Covers all aspects of chemistry and chemical engineering. Good complement to Ullmann's.
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry
Covers all aspects of chemistry and chemical engineering. Good complement to Kirk-Othmer.
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry
All aspects of biochemistry, with additional coverage on molecular biology, cell biology, and biophysics.
Comprehensive Renewable Energy
Renewable energy resources (solar, biomass & biofuels, wind, fuel cells, etc), history, science & technology, applications, future potential. Some econ/policy coverage. Also: Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science & Technology
Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference
Fundamental concepts to new findings and applications of polymers, including characterization, polymerization, nanostructured polymer materials, and polymer applications.
Introduction to spectroscopy methods (NMR, mass, optical, etc) and applications (biological, polymer, environmental, etc). (2014)
Articles on atmospheric science and related subjects, including clouds, aerosols, and global change.
Articles on materials science: applications, materials, properties, techniques and processing.
Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics & Physical Chemistry
Fundamentals, methods and applications of chemical physics and physical chemistry; each article has a bibliography for further reading.
Topics in chemical biology, emphasizing the role of chemistry and chemical techniques in the life sciences
Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry & Biology
Articles about natural products at the intersection of chemistry & biology concerned with isolation, identification, structure elucidation, and chemical characteristics.
Encyclopedia of Applied Electrochemistry
Reference work covering all aspects of applied electrochemistry, including theoretical concepts, instrumentation, and new materials and technologies.
Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II
Coordination chemistry topics, including fundamentals, transition metal groups, bio-coordination chemistry, and applications.
Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry
Articles on computational chemistry topics, including applications, cheminformatics, quantum mechanics and biochemical modeling.