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Public Administration: Home


Through studying these guides you will find key resources listed for civil servants and students wishing to join public sector. This guide will also provide you through information regarding public administration and related topics.

Library Services

Gad and Birgit Rausing Library is a multi-disciplinary library serving the faculty, students, researchers, and staff of the university. It is providing quality innovative services to its' patrons. 

Fresh Arrivals

New books added in library collection for patrons.

Data Resource Centre

Data Resource Unit

Data Resource Unit (DRU) is an online repository of data resources developed by the Department of Economics at Lahore University of Management Sciences to facilitate academic and policy oriented research on Pakistan. With few exceptions, the data resources at CMER mostly consist of individual and household-level data from Pakistan’s household and labor force surveys, other government surveys, financial and provincial development statistics and LUMS surveys. 

News and Announcements

Christmas Soiree

On December 7th, 2021, Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) organised a Christmas concert to celebrate the holiday spirit. The concert was attended by a diverse audience including Honorary Dean SDSB, members of faculty and staff, representatives from civil society, and young students from The Salvation Army. The event began with a brief speech by the Honorary Dean, Dr. Alnoor Bhimani, who lauded the spirit of LUMS that celebrated inclusivity and prioritised high standards of education to build a better society. This was followed by a musical performance by musicians from LUMS. The Chief of the Salvation Army concluded the evening by sharing his thoughts on peace, harmony and inclusiveness in society. One of the core values of the Centre of Business and Society (CBS) at SDSB-LUMS is celebrating inclusiveness and diversity. This collaborative effort was one part of a broader aim to create an inclusive platform for all communities at LUMS and beyond.

University of Baltistan Delegation visits SDSB

Lahore University of Management Sciences recently entered a partnership with the University Of Baltistan, Skardu. This includes an exchange programme of 150 students from both universities, as well as research and teaching collaborations in Green Energy, Water Management and Entrepreneurship. On Friday, 17 December, 2021 a delegation from the University of Baltistan visited Suleman Dawood School of Business for a tour of the facilities. The delegation visited various offices at SDSB and was briefed on operational activities by representatives from respective units. The delegation also met with faculty members to discuss instructional strategies, co-teaching, and course creation to facilitate transfer of knowledge, expertise, experience, skills, and resources in both directions. The visiting delegation included.

Guest Speaker Session: Mr. Faisal Sheikh

On December 16, 2021, MBA students attended a guest speaker session featuring Mr. Faisal Sheikh, partner at Bain & Company. Mr. Sheikh is based in Bain & Company's Middle East office. He is a core member of Bain's EMEA Consumer Products practice, as well as a core member of the firm's Family Business practice. His diverse management consulting experience includes strategies that work for leading businesses. He also has extensive experience in working with consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies, both as an operator and an advisor. Mr. Sheikh holds an MBA from Cornell University in the United States.

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Plagiarism Detection Service

Library facilitates LUMS faculty's access to online plagiarism detection and management software i-e Turnitin. Library also provides similarity report and certificate according to HEC rules for final thesis and projects.For similarity Index reports and certificates contact: a.m. to 8.00 p.m.)



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Waqar Aslam
Gad & Birgit Rausing Library, Lahore University of Management Sciences DHA Lahore Cantt.
+92 42 3560 8260

Useful Info

LUMS Library provides virtual access to its resources, i.e. databases, eBooks and journals etc. Click Below to Get Off-Campus Access