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Law and Economics: Books


This course covers the Legal, Economic, and Policy aspects of regulation. An increasing proportion of the legal rules that order modern societies is derived from agency-made regulations rather than legislated laws or court judgments. The practical, legal and economic considerations that apply to regulations are significantly different from the factors that apply to other forms of ordering. Regulations have come under sustained criticism from economists who highlight the obvious costs and non-obvious benefits of regulatory schemes, as well as the possible negative effects of regulation on competitive markets.

Print Books

While searching database for your required books by author, title or subject, use keywords i.e., Concept of Law, Case Law, Hart H. L. A. etc.

Text Books

Electronic Books

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Subscribed E-Books

ProQuest Ebook Central 

It offers an increasing selection of more than 2,40,215 e-Books in social sciences such as law and policy, business, economics, natural sciences, and technology.

Free e-Books

Bartleby Great Books Online

The preeminent internet publisher on Literature, Law, Economics, Religion, and providing, reference & verse to students, researchers and the intellectually curious with unlimited access to books and information on the web, free of charge.

Our free online law books provide students with a unique view on the subject of Constitutional Law , Law of Evidence, Proof and Justice. You can find a variety of books here.

CALI: The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction

The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction non-profit consortium of mostly US Law schools that conducts applied research and development in the area of computer-mediated legal education. 

Digital Book Index     

This index provides links to more than 165,000 full text digital books from more than 1800 commercial and non-commercial publishers, universities and various private sites. More than 140,000 of these books, texts, and documents are available free on variety of subjects such as Law, Politics, Religion, Business, Marketing, and Science and Technology.

Free Book Centre

This section contains free books and guides on constitutional law, some of the resources in this section can be viewed online and some you can download.

Free Online Books

Listing more than 2 million works in English in various formats that cover Law, Politics, Psychology, and Science and Technology.