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Legal Practice II - Legal Instruments: Law 482: Bar Councils and Bar Associations

Bar Councils

Pakistan Bar Council

The Pakistan Bar Council is the highest elected body of lawyers in Pakistan established under “The Legal Practitioners & Bar Councils Act, 1973”. The Attorney-General for Pakistan is its ex-officio Chairman whereas it has twenty two elected Members from throughout the country representing each province. 

The main functions of the Bar Council are to admit persons, fulfilling the requirements of law, as Advocates entitled to practice before the Supreme Court of Pakistan and to maintain Roll of such Advocates and to remove advocates from the said Roll.

Punjab Bar Council

The Punjab Bar Council came into being as a result of the promulgation of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (Act XXXV of 1973). The Council commenced functioning with effect from 1st January 1974. The Punjab Bar Council consists of the Advocate-General of the Province, as Ex-officio Chairman and the Members elected by the Advocates across the Province.

Five years, beginning on the first day of January of the year. The elections are held, so as to conclude on or before the thirtieth day of November in the year in which the term of the Bar Council expires, and the Members elected by the Advocates.

Sindh Bar Council

Sindh Bar Council has been constituted by Section 3(ii) of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973. It is a body corporate having perpetual successions and a common seal with power to acquire and hold property, both movable and immovable, and to contract, and shall by the name by which it is known sue and be sued. The term of the Bar Council is five years beginning on the first day of January following the general elections to the Bar Council; and at the end of each term the members of the Bar Council shall cease to hold office.

Balochistan Bar Council

The Balochistan Bar Council is a statutory & deliberative assembly of lawyers in Balochistan for safeguarding the rights, interests and privileges of practicing lawyers, within Balochistan province of Pakistan. The Council also regulates the conduct of lawyers and helps in the administration of justice. It has been constituted by Section 3(ii) of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 of Constitution of Pakistan. All lower court and Balochistan High Court lawyers within Balochistan are licensed with this council. The Advocate General of Balochistan acts as ex officio Chairman of Balochistan Bar Council.

Khyber PakhtunKhwa Bar Council

The Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Bar Council came into being as a result of the promulgation of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (Act XXXV of 1973). The Council commenced functioning with effect from 1st January 1974. The Khber Pakhtun Khwa Bar Council consists of the Advocate-General of the Province, as Ex-officio Chairman and the Members elected by the Advocates across the Province. The term of the Bar Council is five years beginning on the first day of January following the general elections to the Bar Council; and at the end of each term the members of the Bar Council shall cease to hold office.

Bar Associations

Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan
The Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan (SCBAP) was established in 1989, comprising Supreme Court lawyers from all over Pakistan. It is an independent Bar Association whose aim is to uphold the rule of law and cause of justice and protect the interest of the legal profession as well as that of the public. SCBAP is governed by an Executive Committee, which consists of 22 elected members annually. Its mission is to provide welfare to its legal community, a platform for the members to raise their voices against unjust government functionaries and to provide speedy justice to the people of Pakistan.

Lahore High Court Bar Association
Lahore High Court Bar started functioning in 1882. The High Court Bar Association has been an autonomous body, with its affairs controlled and managed, subject to the control of the members in the General Meeting assembled and by the Rules of the Association, by a Committee comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a number of members. It has over 22000 members since 2013.

Sindh High Court Bar Association
Sindh High Court Bar Association was established in the year 1952. Sindh High Court Bar Association is an association with over 2500 members of Professional Lawyers. The Sindh High Court Bar Association has been an autonomous body, with its affairs controlled and managed, subject to the control of the members in the General Meeting assembled and by the Rules of the Association.

Balochistan High Court Bar Association
The Balochistan High Court Bar Association is an autonomous body, with its affairs controlled and managed, subject to the control of the members in the General Meeting assembled and by the Rules of the Association, by a Committee comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a number of members. 
Peshawar High Court Bar Association
The Peshawar High Court Bar Association is an autonomous body, with its affairs controlled and managed, subject to the control of the members in the General Meeting assembled and by the Rules of the Association, by a Committee comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a number of members.
District Bar Associations

There are district bar associations in each district of Pakistan and they are the autonomous bodies and have been constituted on various dates, which are governed by the committees of the elected representatives of respective districts.