ACS Green Chemistry Institute Links and other information about green chemistry
Chemistry Dictionary for Word Processors Download a free chemistry dictionary (licensed under Creative Commons) for word processors. The dictionary is compatible with Microsoft Office (Windows or Mac), and Open Office (Windows or Linux).
Common Chemistry From Chemical Abstracts Service, a free look-up for CAS Registry Numbers of approximately 7,800 chemicals of widespread general public interest.
Hazardous Substances Data Bank Information on hazardous substances, from the National Library of Medicine.
IUPAC Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature From the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IUPAC Gold Book Compilation of chemical terminology from IUPAC (The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry).
MatWeb Free source of materials properties, searchable by the range of property values.
Patents (European Patent Office) A free source of patents from eighty-four countries and international organizations worldwide.
Patents (U.S. Patent Office) Patents and patent applications.
Periodic Table Formulations Display some of the many formulations of the Periodic Table over the centuries, including both pre- and post- Mendeleev, as well as Mendeleev's own tables.
Periodic Table Live! Information on elements of the periodic table linking to a range of information, including discovery and history, preparation, uses, physical data, atomic data (ionization energy, radii, volume, etc.), images, video, and crystal structure.
Periodic Table of the Elements Interactive table with images.
Periodic Table of Videos Periodic table with video clips of descriptions of elements, from chemists at the University of Nottingham (UK).
Spectroscopic Tools Searchable for chemical shifts, infrared band locations, etc.
WebElements Periodic Table The periodic table is an arrangment of the chemical elements ordered by atomic number so that periodic properties of the elements (chemical periodicity) are made clear.