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Reforming the Public Sector: Home


The Course is designed for students who have preferably been exposed to various key areas of public management policy framework. After looking at some of the foundational aspects of the policy framework and implementation regime, it underlines the need for reforms to meet the multiple challenges of service delivery on a sustainable basis. It aims at identifying some critical connects between the public and the private sector with a view to meet the overall objective of growth and development. It tends to develop students interest and keenness in the public sector management with a view to opt it as a career while broadening their profile.

Library Services

Gad and Birgit Rausing Library is a multi-disciplinary library serving the faculty, students, researchers, and staff of the university. It is providing quality innovative services to its' patrons. 

Fresh Arrivals

New books added in library collection for patrons.

Plagiarism Detection Service

Library facilitates LUMS faculty's access to online plagiarism detection and management software i-e Turnitin. Library also provides similarity report and certificate according to HEC rules for final thesis and projects.For similarity Index reports and certificates contact: a.m. to 8.00 p.m.)


Useful Info

LUMS Library provides virtual access to its resources, i.e. databases, eBooks and journals etc. Click Below to Get Off-Campus Access