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Software Project Management: Books

There is a wealth of information on project management. But unfortunately only a small fraction applies to software project management. This course is about new practices and new ideas project managers ought to consider to make their software development

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How can IS/IT projects be measured for success?”, J. Waterbridge, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 16, No. 1, 59-63, 1998

“Packaged Software: Implications of the differences from custom approaches to software development”, S. Sawyer, European Journal of Information Systems, 2000, 9, 47-58

"Project Retrospectives: Evaluating Project Success, Failure and Everything in between", R. R. Nelson, MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 4, No. 3 (Sep 2005), 361-372.
"Islamic perspectives on conflict management within project managed environments." Randeree, Kasim, and Awsam Taha El Faramawy. International Journal of Project Management 29.1 (2011): 26-32.

“The User–Developer Communication Process: A Critical Case Study”, M.J. Gullivan and M. Keil, Information Systems Journal, 2003, 13, 37-68.

 “Having expectations of information system benefits that match received benefits: does it really matter?”, D. S. Staples, I. Wong and P.B. Seddon, Information and Management, 40(2), 2002, 115-131.

The Effects of Time Pressure on Quality in Software Development: An Agency Model”, R.D. Austin, Information Systems Research, June 2001, Vol, 12, No, 2 195-207.
“The project pyramid”, J. Marasco, April 2004
Investigating the Cost/Schedule Trade-Off in Software Development", T.K. Abdel-Hamid, IEEE Software, Jan 1990, 97-105
"Better sure than safe? Over-confidence in judgement based software development effort prediction intervals", M. Jorgensen, K. H. Teigen and K. Molokken, Journal of Systems and Software, 70 (2004), 79-93.
“Lessons learned from modeling the dynamics of software development”, T.K. Abdel-Hamid and S.E. Madnick, Communications of the ACM 32 (12), 1426-1438

“Improving Speed and Productivity of Software Development: A Global Survey of Software Developers, J.D. Blackburn, G.D. Scudder and L.N. van Wassenhove, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 12, December 1996, p 875-885.

“Combining Agile Methods with Stage-Gate Project Management”, D. Karlstrom and P. Runeson, IEEE Software, May/June 2005, 43-49.
"A Comparison of Software Project Overruns – Flexible vs Sequential Development Models”, K. Molokken-Ostvold and M. Jorgensen, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 31. No. 9, Sept 2005, pp.754-766

Effects of Process Maturity on Quality, Cycle Time and Effort in Software Product Development ”, D.E. Harter, M.S. Krishnan and S.A. Slaughter, Management Science, April 2000, Vol. 46, No. 4, 451- 466

“An Empirical Analysis of Productivity and Quality in Software Products, M.S. Krishnan, C.H. Kriebel, S. Kekre and T. Mukhopadhyay, Management Science, June 2000, Vol. 46, No. 4, 745-759.
"Evaluating the Cost of Software Quality", S. Slaughter, D.E. Harter and M.S. Krishnan, Communications of the ACM, August 1998, Vol. 41 No. 8, 67-73.
“How Much Software Quality Investment is Enough: A Value-Based Approach”, L. Huang and B. Boehm, IEEE Software, Sept/Oct 2006, p.88-95

“Factors affecting software developer’s performance: an Integrated approach”, R.H. Rasch and H.L. Tosi, MISQ Vol 16, No 3, Sept 1992,