Atlapedia Online maps provide information such as climate, vital statistics, religions, languages, information on education, economy, trade, transportation, communication, and military.
Google Maps - Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
MapQuest - find directions and explore towns and cities worldwide. Users can display addresses on a map, view nearby businesses, get driving directions and maps, and plan a trip with city information.
Quick Maps of the World - small GIF maps of the countries of the world.
World Atlas - a complete atlas of the world featuring several thousand place names and colorful, accurate maps.
Pakistan Research Repository is a project of the Higher Education Commission to promote the international visibility of research originating out of institutes of higher education in Pakistan. The aim of this service is to maintain a digital archive of all PhD theses produced indigenously to promote the intellectual output of Pakistani institutions. It provides a free, single-entry access point to view the manuscript of research executed, and distribute this information as widely as possible.
Universal Currency Converter - allows you to perform interactive foreign exchange rate conversion on the Internet.
Calculators.Com - provides access to all types of calculators -- finance, business, science, health, cooking and various hobbies.
Martindale's Calculators Online - contains over 8,000 various calculators.
Locating background information in general and subject specific encyclopedias and dictionaries and other reference resources will help you put information in context.
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