It’s easy to find information for most research papers, but it’s not always easy to add that information into your paper without falling into the plagiarism trap. There are easy ways to avoid plagiarism. Follow some simple steps while writing your research paper to ensure that your document will be free of plagiarism. For More
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is --
Intentionally or unintentionally representing ideas or material from another work as your own
Failing to use quotations or to paraphrase correctly
Self-plagiarism is the publishing of your previously submitted published work.
What to cite
You should cite -
Any words, ideas, and materials that are not your own.
Exact quotes
Visual and audio materials
You don't need to cite -
Your own words, creations, ideas, etc.
Your own results from experiments
Generally accepted knowledge (like George Washington was the first president of the United States)