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Topics in Cancer Biology: Video Resources

Cancer is caused by uncontrolled proliferation of cells and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The loss of control over proliferation is brought about by mutations in genes involved in signaling pathways that regulate cell fate. (BIO 522)

Video Resources

Public Health Image Library (PHIL)

Database of photographs, illustrations, and videos of various illness, medical personnel in medical settings, and patients with the illness. Open access. No password required. Unlimited users.

Surgery Videos-MedlinePlus

This page provides links to pre-recorded webcasts of surgical procedures. These are actual operations performed at medical centers in the United States. Most of the videos last an hour. Please note that you cannot send in questions by email, through the webcast may say that you can because you are not seeing these videos live.

WISC: Multimedia Resources for Biology 

Simple, easy to understand videos and animations explaining basic concepts in biology 

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own place in and outside of the classroom. It tackles math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.

As one of the leading sites for sharing videos, Dailymotion attracts over 106 million unique monthly visitors and 2 billion videos views worldwide offering the best content from users, independent content creators and premium partners.